Thursday, October 3, 2013

August Highlights {via iPhone}

I'm not sure I can remember all the fun of August but some highlights are 
* We went to Red River, New Mexico with Mike's parents and Nate and Kelly and Clara. It was such a lovely setting and a perfect getaway.  We all enjoyed the week and found a perfect balance of activity and relaxation. Lucy's favorite was visiting the sand dunes and she asks to go back about once a week. 
* Lucy has been asking to go in a cave for a long time so we took her down to Colorado Springs to visit the Wind Caves.  It was maybe a little ambitious of us to take to small kids in an enclosed space in which they are supposed to listen to a guide. But fun none the less. 
* I went to education week at BYU with my mom for the most rejuvenating and inspiring weeks I have had in a very long time.  We loved almost every single class we went to and had lots of time to chat and eat good food. It was lovely.  Not to mention the fact that Janet came to help with the kids and painted my kitchen while I was gone!!! 
* We enjoyed our neighborhood pool for the last time this year.  We hate to see it close for the winter! 

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