We are nearing the full-blown mimic stage and I think she has my serious putting on makeup face down pretty good. She also loves to have my purse with her at all times. She empties and resupplies it constantly.
Lucy and I can never get enough of Por Que No. I think Mike would rather be at the pizza place next door but when mom said she was craving Mexican it was a matter of seconds before we were in the car heading to Hawthorne.
My dad has been talking for weeks about taking Lucy to the zoo. Despite rain and the fact that my dad couldn't bare to let Lucy nap and be without her for a couple of hours, we had a lot of fun. Lucy even entertained crowds with her uncanny ability to draw attention from the lion. This is not the first time that a lion has "attacked" Lucy at the zoo (old video included in post). I thought my mom was going to pass out from fear but Lucy loved it!
I don't have a lot to report on the front of Lucy and friendship. She is lucky to have a few really cute friends to hang out with but she doesn't seem to especially notice them. She is getting better at sharing but I can't wait for her to experience that feeling of having a buddy. Someone she gets and who gets her. At this point her strongest connections seem to be with the four legged variety. That said, she did have fun running after Denali at the pumpkin patch and hanging out with the Gardiners in return for some delicious popcorn.
Katie took some pictures for us on Saturday, and while I thought for a moment about doing something responsible with them, like sending Christmas cards or something, I came to terms quickly with the fact that I probably never would. So, this is their moment to shine.
During the priesthood session of conference we pulled out the polish and Lucy was thrilled to be included in the activity. Like the hena painting in Malaysia, she sat perfectly still until Katie was finished painting and until it dried. She seems to have a thing for body art.
I was flipping through the latest pictures and my finger was on the delete button for both of these, but after resisting the urge to delete, I fell in love with them for whatever odd reason. I think that, because it feels like she is always in constant motion, the stillness of her gaze is haunting and something I don't notice very often.