Sunday, September 27, 2009

25 Weeks

Baby Wecker is growing right on track and moving all the time now. I feel like I wasn't showing for so long and now, all of a sudden, there is little hiding it. Beside the difficulty I am starting to have squeezing between desks in the classroom, I feel really good.


Megan and Jesse said...

You look great! You make a cute pregnant lady. I just wish I could be there in person to watch the change. I love you and am excited for baby Wecker to be here!! Good luck in with the last few months. I hope to see you before the due date. Just so I can see the bump. :) love you!

JJLanier said...

25 weeks already?! That's great! I'm so excited to see your baby at the family reunion next summer!

Britt Curtis said...

Cute! Thanks for the pic and the update. :) Love you!

That Girl said...


I love how I'm bigger than you ... at 14 weeks.

Katie Curtis said...

Little baby... who knows! Tell me when Mike starts to feel her for sure and I'm coming over, we can curl up on the couch with my hands on your belly and watch Alias until I feel her move!