Thursday, April 15, 2010

3 Months Old

Lucy is three months old today and the most delightful girl ever. I love having this little one in my life. A few things about Lucy at this stage * she wakes up smiling * she goes to bed crying * she sleep 11 hours at night * she never naps longer than 30 minutes * she is lulled to sleep by the harsh sound of a vacuum * she wakes up when I turn a page in a book * she "talks" in five minute periods * she knows when we are farthest away from home base on a walk and starts fussing * she fusses long enough for mom to pick up her pace, burn a few extra calories, and then falls asleep * if she starts to fall asleep when people are around she shakes her head to wake herself up, so as not to miss a thing * she has worked a bald spot onto her head due to said shaking * she prefers the cadence of grown up books to that of a children's book * she just finished The Help and loved it * she is banned from the t.v. because she can't take her eyes off of it * mom broke the rules and let her watch glee * she is over the swing * she drools like crazy * she looks silly in bibs * she has two really long hairs on the top of her head * she has a mullet * she likes being held by a variety of people * she is starting to grab at hair and clothes and, unfortunately, hoop earrings * if her dad is home and not holding her, she unceasingly follows his voice with her head *she has us wrapped around her fingers


Katie Curtis said...

love love love this post! laughed out loud reading it! I CANNOT WAIT FOR KATIE-LUCY WEEK!!

Britt Curtis said...

I don't even know where to start! I just love that girl, and I love that you can see so much personality when she's so young. Thanks for sharing that appreciation. :) Love you both! Actually you three!

paula curtis said...

How can she be 3 months old already?! And how can she get cuter and cuter! I loved hearing about her merging cute. I smiled at every sentence. Thanks for sharing Lucy through the blog. I always look forward to every update.

Kaydi Paxman said...

if she sleeps 11 hours straight i may just have to sneak in the middle of night and trade babies! she's a doll!