Sunday, August 5, 2012

Best Laid Plans

Sweet Megan and Tanner came to help with the arrival of the new baby.  She planned to stay ten days and take care of household chores so my mom could focus on doting on the newborn and myself.  She arrived last Thursday and we didn't even consider the possibility that she would leave without seeing the baby.  But alas, leave she did.  And there is still no baby.  Now I'm just hoping that my mom's visit doesn't come to the same fate.  

But we had fun while she was here and her presence was invaluable in passing the time and distracting me from counting the overdue days.  And, with her cute get it done attitude, she potty-trained Lucy (with the help of a lot of grandma's m&ms) and let me take it easy by taking care of much of the cleaning and cooking.  Lucy had a great time with both Tanner and Megan and still tries to find Tanner in the morning when she wakes up (he slept in a number of different locations and it was always a surprise where he would be).   

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