Sunday, September 21, 2008

Migrating Swifts

Every September there are swifts that dive into the chimney of an elementary school downtown right as the sun sets.  Hundreds of Portlanders bring their blankets and sit on the lawn to watch this.  We traded the picnic for a delicious Moroccan dinner beforehand, but had a nice time just sitting on the lawn watching.  It is so fun having Katie in town for a variety of reasons, one of which being that we get to revisit some of the sites we might not have gotten back to, like this one.   


Katie Curtis said...

Where is the other picture of us two?!

em said...

That's pretty cool to watch, I bet! You and your sis have the EXACT same expressions in this picture. Very cute!

Lisa Anderson said...

I remember that from last year when I came to visit! It's the strangest thing and I really didn't believe it until I saw a crowd of expecting Portlanders awaiting the show, then we suddenly saw all the birds circling in the air and swooping down into the chimney, very impressive.